This year has changed me

Before embarking on this year abroad, I had a certain expectation of what I would get out of it. I have always been the type of person who thinks in the long-term. Actually, I think of the future a lot. And this time last year, me being me, I was imagining how my 2015 would pan out. What I didn’t do, however, was picture a different me. I pictured who I was in 2014 and placed her in 2015. As this year has progressed I have come to realise that I am not who I was last year. I have changed. I believe, for the better. So in saying that, not only have I made amazing, unforgettable experiences, created life-long relationships (and moved up a dress size ..or 2), I’ve also gained invaluable insight into who I am.

I am more confident

drinks bottle of wine before going out/suddenly speaks spanish (spanglish) ‘confidently’

I stress less

rent is due/actually has no money/jokes about having no money

I am more accepting of things I cannot control 

stands at carousel for 30 mins/laughs when realises luggage is lost

I don’t want to be in one place for too long

sits at desk “studying”/moves to the floor/ends up upside-down on couch

I live more in the present

buys one-way metro ticket/future angelica can deal with that when it comes

I love being independent 

dinner time/groceries still haven’t been done/tinned tuna it is

I am more carefree

trips over in the middle of busy plaza/has a good giggle

I love myself more

catches reflection walking passed a store front/giiiirl you fine


In all seriousness though, this year has been a lot of learning and self-discovery.

I am a better, happier me.

4 thoughts on “This year has changed me

  1. Awesome update. Best one yet. Only because its almost a full wrap up of your experience and what a ride it has been, perhaps even literally hehe. We cant wait for u to come back home and catch up. We would probably need a full weekend slumber party heheh full of Spanish foods =)

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


    1. Thanks Chris 🙂 It has been so incredible. I think it’s clear I don’t want to go back to Australia haha But I’m looking forward to this reunion! x


  2. Can I just say, this is such an awesome blog. Wish I had of got to known you a bit more in highschool! Your blog always puts a good spin on my day 🙂


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